We have many media to present and highlight your desserts.
It seems foolish to make you buy tricks, displays and dishes (often expensive) that will only serve you once. This is why we offer to make our tableware available to you in the form of RENTAL..
It is also the guarantee for us to choose a medium adapted to the volume and weight of your dessert. The goal is to avoid a tragedy (imagine a tray on foot that breaks under the weight of a cake …).
We ask you for a deposit check for each loan, corresponding to the value of the items concerned. The bail cheque is not cashed. We will give it back to you when you bring back the supports, if they have not suffered any damage.
We only lend support to our customers who order a dessert.
ATTENTION, it is imperative to take us back to the shop the brackets within 5 days MAXIMUM after the DATE of the service. Like you, other customers also count on the platters!

Delivery :
It is conceivable if you do not have the possibility to pick up your order at the shop, to have it delivered. It is charged extra: € 0.60 per km round trip.

It is necessary to provide on your side a table (with topping if you wish) so that we can store the desserts there.
Depending on your desires, it may be nice to buy:
- Some elements of decorations to dress up the Table that will serve to present the cake
- Fires to sting on the Cake (Style Ice Fountain, Flare, Bengal Fires…)
- A Topper (banner, figurine…) of your choice that I can fix on the top of the Cake
We do not provide any of these items, preferring to let your desires and tastes run free.